27 April 2015

Recycle DIY Chalkboard

Hello lovely people! Here is how to make a customized chalkboard made up of recycled cardboard.
It's perfect to put in your room. Here are some examples where chalkboard were used as decoration. 

Let's get ready! 

Materials you'll need: 
1) Chalkboard Paint (as for me, I used the "Americana" Chalkboard Paint)
2) Cardboard
3) Scissors
4) Paintbrush
5) any additional materials you'd want to design your chalkboard with

You can cut any shape you want. 

 I prefer to add design so that it would look cuter.

Yes. It's the big blank wall I have in my room 

Is it cute? Comment below. I would love to read them! :)


  1. Those are soo cute I would love to make one myself! Thanks for sharing this idea bea :)
